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عندي اختان , واحدة منهما سرقت هويتي واستخدمتها للحصول على قرض سيارة من بنك لبنان والمهجر , والثانية وقعت الاوراق منتحلة شخصيتي ، وفي مواجهة لي معهما ومع البنك ، حاولا ايذائي ، والبنك متستر على ابشع عملية نصب وتزوير بحجة انها تسدد السندات ، ولا يهمه ان كانت قد سرقت هويتي ، المهم انه يأخذ ماله .... بأي قانون ، يٌسمح للبنك ان يعطي قرضاً لشخص بيس هو نفسه الذي على البطاقة الشخصية ؟؟؟ وبأي حق ، أختاي تقومان بتشويه سمعتي وانتحال شخصيتي وايذائي ؟؟؟؟؟؟
Monday 1st of December 2014 09:15:39 PM
Views: 982
Rowayda, it is sad to read this really…
My best friend passed by similar story. His brother presented himself to Bank Byblos and took the money of his older brother who have a saving account with an amount of 66 millions Lira. The banker checked his ID but since both are nearly same age and looks very similar in face… he didn't recognize him being not the same person (the real owner of the account)… so the banker gave him 52 million. The bad brother knows how the owner of the account signs.. so he signs instead of him and all passed easy and he took the money.
The owner of the account did try to do something against the bank but couldn't since he didn't have any evidence that the bank knows that it was not the real person…
He could present easily a case against his brother for taking his personality and cheating and steeling him in front of a bank etc… but at the last minutes his father and mother stopped him and decided to pay him back the money instead of the bad brother.
Now the two brothers do not speak at all to each other… and I give right to the older brother.. I know how that money was saved... year after year from his job. The younger bad brother till now is not working anything and is a hater lazy and very arrogant….etc…
So your issue is very tough.. either you have to present cases against your daughters or I don’t know maybe forgive them… of course if you can.. it is really difficult and sad….
Wednesday 3rd of December 2014 02:41:40 PM
ان انتحال صفة اي شخص لشخص اخر حتى لو كان اخته او اخيه معاقب عليه بالقانون الجزائي.و إن استعمال هذا الشخص للبطاقة الزورة في البنك يُعتبر عملاً مخالفاً ايضاً للقانون الجزائي.و ان تعامل البنك مع هاتين الاختين بعد اكتشافه لتزويرهما يُعتبر متواطئاً و شريكاً لهما في جرم استعمال المستندات المزورة.لمتابعة التفاصيل الرجاء التواصل عبر او 009613380616
Sunday 7th of December 2014 01:43:15 AM
mark deeb,, i cant forgive them, they dont deserve it, soooo hard to forgive,, what i did is not sues them , maybe they will think im weak, it's just i wont gain anything by suing them, those who dont have morals, nothing will matter for them ..and life will go on :)
Friday 12th of December 2014 09:33:31 PM
khodor mohammad , انا اكيدة انو البنك متواطئ , بس قصة اني فوت بمحاكم , قصة ما بتفرق عند ناس متل اخواتي للأسف , بايعين نفسن وأخلاقن وضميرن , وما عندن شي الو حساب ,,, انا عملت حساب ابوهم وامهم الكبار بالعمر وما رفعت عليهم دعوة , وكل واحد وأخلاقو ... شكراً لاهتمامكم
Friday 12th of December 2014 09:37:11 PM
عليك ان تتقدمي بشكوى جزائية ضدّ المصرف واخواتك، وان التخاذل في تقديم الشكوى قد يضيع حقوقك. فلماذا السكوت وانت تعرفين الحقيقة بتفاصيلها
Saturday 27th of December 2014 11:13:20 PM
انا عملت اعتبار لامي وأبي , مع انو ما حدا بقى بيستاهل بهالدني ينعمللو اعتبار , بس أخلاقياً ما أكتر , راعيت شعور امهم وأبوهم .
Thursday 8th of January 2015 02:58:40 PM