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I live in Argentina. Since 5 years my father had a testament for his profit from a member of my large family. My father passed away few weeks ago before he executed the testament. I am wondering now if I can always execute the testament.. can I proceed even after the death of my father who didn't excute the testament previously. Please help and by the way very interesting website you have there.
Thursday 27th of September 2012 09:39:49 AM
Views: 1083
you can but after the death of the legator , and beware he could reconsider the testament if he still alive
Sunday 30th of September 2012 03:35:10 PM
Taking Lebanese law in consideration (I don't know the law in Argentina) after the death of your father who has not executed the testament and if the legator is also dead and you have now in your hand a testament not executed, in this condition "Today" you cannot execute the testament after the death of the legator and the beneficiary.
Monday 1st of October 2012 09:50:28 AM
Yes of course you can,but if you have brothers and sisters,you will only have your part.(unless the legator has stated in the testament that only your father is a beneficiary,because in the latter case,the testament can not be executed)
Tuesday 20th of November 2012 12:20:12 AM