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I wanted about civil marriage, I am a christian and I want to marry a muslim sunnite, we will have a civil marriage in France. my question is: does his religion allow him to marry another person besides me?
Sunday 16th of December 2012 03:19:40 PM
Views: 1103
Dear Rana,the civil marriage is a 2 parties contract ruled by the law of the country you are gettin married in and the clauses you determined to have in that contract,now whereas if your potential husband can have another woman on his side thisis before being discused legaly should be disscused among you guys amically becoz one can not live with someone who doesnt love butyes he can marry another woman..
Wednesday 19th of December 2012 10:47:13 AM
Yes he can have a religious marriage after marrying you,even if he has registered the civil marriage in Lebanon.
Saturday 2nd of February 2013 09:11:17 AM