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hi i am an owner of a home with my family at achrafiyeh (werte) some people dad realtive was sitting in this home for a while more than 10 years without rent paper after dad was dead we want these people to be out from our home we have what we called (sanad melkiyeh) we don't want any money from these people all we want the out of the home so we can rent the house at achrafiyeh but they don't want to go out what we can do?

as well our lawyer is very bad he took a lot of money for nothing he said i can take money for these people as a rent of the home etc.. but nothing he did w we want to take the (wikele) from him but he refuse he want money is their any possibility to take our paper from him (ne3zlo).

thanks and sorry for my english
Saturday 19th of January 2013 12:26:47 AM
Views: 1094
اولاً- يجب التأكد ما اذا كان يوجد اي اتفاق خطي او حتى شفهي بين الوالد وبين الشاغلين. في حال وجود اتفاق يصار الى اقامة دعوى ايجارات. عدم وجود اتفاق - تقام دعوى تعدي امام قضاء الامور المستعجلة.
ثانياً- لا يمكن عزل المحامي الا في حال اخطأ او تقصير مع الموكل او لم يتابع اموره ولم يعتن بها عناية الاب الصالح ... وفي حالة التقصي او الاهمال يمكن اللجوء الى القضاء من أجل عزله.
Sunday 20th of January 2013 08:30:41 PM